
This is my little corner of the web. I'm currently an independent code monkey having worked on drones (here and here) and rockets in previous iterations.

I'm a Linux guy, now working mostly in Python. I do love to code. I find I'm most useful to start-ups. Sitting in a cubicle bores me.

Recent Blog Posts ("Recent" being relative)

Python zipapp Review

Published 2023-05-31

I blogified a presentation I gave about zipapp.

Postfix, iPhone, Apple Mail and the reject_unknown_helo_hostname parameter

Published 2021-07-02

Apple Mail uses a fake hostname, and my Postfix configuration was blocking iUsers from sending mail.

Updating the SSL certificate pair on the Unifi Controller

Published 2019-02-08

I have certificate authority for my internal domain, so I wanted to update the unifi Controller TLS certificate.

Firefox and org-protocol URL Capture

Published 2017-07-21, updated 2021-03-02

I integrate everything with org-mode, so I need to get URLs, tasks, and notes from Firefox into org-mode, and org-protocol provides the mechanism.